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Pyeongtaek recent comments:

  • HELLO market, phred (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Colorful for photo ops
  • Prince Tourist Hotel, phred (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Good turkey bath in basement
  • Wes' Country Bar, phred (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Good dance floor
  • Hotel Korea expansion, phred (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Fair Vietnamese
  • Osan style Bulgogi House (Mud Hut), phred (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Neat decor great food.
  • Muddy Murpheys, phred (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Place to be on St Patys
  • Aragon Alley, phred (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    JJ's was great place to watch the alley
  • Smitty's, phred (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    May be the worst dive bar in the world
  • BBQ, martinjez1 wrote 14 years ago:
    Best BBQ in Town!!!
  • Pacific Hotel, Rob (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Good price, ok rooms. Not a bad deal for your money, very close to all the bars in the main strip.
  • Our House, mkil (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    In the middle of the street.
  • Club Volume , GIKorea (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Volume isn't a bad club if you enjoy hip-hop music, but its downfall is overly aggressive Juicy Girls and their Mama-Sans demanding that you buy them drinks. Beware, they will swindle you out of your money.
  • Dong Bu Apartments, TNT1833 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Not real kind to Americans, would not recommend Americans living in this apartment complex.
  • Melissa's, n0mad wrote 15 years ago:
    It's now called "Heavenly bread Co." Same place, new owner. French style pastries, desserts, coffee, sandwiches, pizza, bread bowls, and one of the only places in the area that serves western style breakfast (bacon and eggs). Nice relaxing atmosphere.
  • Shinjang Shopping District, n0mad wrote 15 years ago:
    They named the area a mall, but it's more of a general district than an actual "mall".
  • Pyeongtaek Station, n0mad (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Inside the station is AK Plaza mall. It has a nice theater on the top floor, a video game aracade, as well as a rooftop lounge area.
  • Hill 180 gate, EM (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Gate no longer used. They got barriers up and C-wire everywhere now.
  • Kae Gogi Ranch, EM (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    No longer Kaegogi Ranch. Now, just and apartment complex. BTW, not very many Korean's eat Kaegogi anymore.
  • Aragon Alley, TJ (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Also the best gyros ever, even when you're not wasted they're good and you can find it all on Aragon Alley.
  • USAG Humphreys, thebigbwana wrote 15 years ago:
    Lots of women bussed in every night to all the club systems back in the 70's and the place to be if one was single. The town of Anjung-ni had a dozen bars (at least) and all had a different motif. The Folly Club was country western, the Galaxy was standard rock, the 7 Club, Top Hat, and Paradise were solely black clubs and were just north of the main street a few blocks from the main gate to Humphreys. Town was very racially divided as was the army at that time no matter what one says. My platoon sergeant would not have any blacks and another platoon sergeant would not have any whites. Thats just the way it is. Or was. Anyways, this was a good place to be stationed. At that time, Pyongtaek was nothing but a conglomeration of mud huts and ramshackle tin roof buildings and full of rats. Twice during my year, our company went to Pyongtaek and formed a long line and just walked thru neighborhoods killing rats with shovels and axes. In the houses, we would cut out wallpaper to get at rats nests. There was competition between the platoons and squads to see who could kill the most rats. On the way back to Anjung-ni from Pyongtaek, there was a dog farm on the left hand side where dogs were raised for eating. Very sad sight as the dogs would all bark at the traffic and look for help as we passed by. This was still there in 75 as I kept in contact with friends who were there at that time. I still have a list of the drinks from the EM club...........all drinks mixed were 35 cents,beers were 25 cents, and the most expensive drink there was a Zombie and that went for $1 and was used for promotions, parties, ect. Slot machines in the lobby/opening. Although marijuana was frowned upon and illegal, one could smoke outside if they wanted to without any hassle. Just for reference, a pound of Korean grown marijuana went for $3 back then and you could used MPC which is what we used. I realize that the military has changed and there is a different focus. Many of us who were in during the 60's and 70's would never make it in todays politically correct army or marine corps. Squealers are now rewarded with privledges and finger pointing without cause can and does go far whereas the old army let things like this get handled via barracks style. I have seen the first sergeant throw blows with enlisted people that refused to wear their hats or get haircuts and never once the 'top' ever lose a fight. That put the fear in us who thought of trying to do the same down the road. One day someone gave the older Korean workers some chocllate Ex-Lax, telling them it was chocolate candy. The next day the workers did not show up as they were sick from the laxatives. This was all funny until the first sergeant got word from battalion that he needed to do something to teach the candy giving G.I. a lesson. So after finding out who did it, the first sergeant made the G.I. stand in a circle blindfolded and hands tied behind his back surrounded by the entire company. Then the workers were brought in en masse (there were approx 9 of them but only 3 ate the candy) and then the workers got to hit and kick the G.I. until he was curled up on the ground bawling like a branded calf. We all had a good laugh. My son is in the army now and this would never happen nowadays. The money is far better but the good times are not. Awww..........I miss Camp Humphreys.